Way Out West is a new (it started last year) Swedish music festival that takes place in Gothenburg on 8-9 August. The festival site is at Slottskogen which is a park in the middle of the city. I went last year and really liked it so I'm going this year again. There's no camping site so if you're going you need to stay in a hotel / B&B or have a kind friend with a spare sofa (I'm opting for the latter). These are the Swedish artists I'm intending not to miss:
They started out in 1989 and are (together with Kent I guess) one of the most influential bands in Sweden. I saw them a few times when I was a kid. The Best gig was at Emmaboda when Henrik Berggren (their singer) was so out of it that he fell from the stage after about 3 songs and they stopped playing shortly after. To call it shambolic would be to put it lightly, but I was drunk and thought it was fantastic. Their gig at Way out West is in tribute to former member Anders Göthberg who died earlier this year.
Broder Daniel - Whirlwind (mp3) HÅKAN HELLSTRÖMHellström used to be the drummer for Broder Daniel, but then he went solo and became one of Sweden's biggest solo artists (in Sweden that is) ever. I'm not that keen on the album he released earlier this year (his fourth), but live he's an explosion. Listen below to the song that made him famous, and which is still his anthem. Håkan Hellström - Känn ingen sorg för mig Göteborg (mp3) THE HIGH HATS
The High Hats are a new melodic punk band (they have that East Cali Ramones punk sound going on) from Borås (just east of Gothenburg) that I'm dying to check out!
The High Hats - Bitterswede (mp3)
/S Labels: Broder Daniel, Håkan Hellström, The Hight Hats, Way Out West |